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Modern Slavery Act 2015


Modern Slavery Policy Statement:


  1. Foreword

Modern slavery is a crime and a violation of fundamental human rights. It takes various forms, such as slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour and human trafficking, all of which have in common the deprivation of a person’s liberty by another in order to exploit them for personal or commercial gain. Whilst our turnover is lower than the threshold as a company we agree with the principles and aims of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.


  1. Policy

Our policy is a zero-tolerance approach to Modern Slavery. It is vital that all our business relationships are conducted ethically, with integrity and transparency. We are committed to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure that Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking are not taking place anywhere within our business or its supply chain


  1. Code of Conduct
  • Workers must carry out work of their own free will and shall not be forced to carry out tasks by being, bonded, imprisoned, indentured, enslaved, trafficked or made to work against their will in any way, this includes forced overtime.
  • Workers shall not be made to work through mental or physical coercion.
  • Workers shall not have their passports, identity papers, travel documents, or other official documents or other valuable items taken away or withheld as a condition of employment. The withholding of property shall not be used directly or indirectly to restrict the freedom of workers.
  • Workers shall not be charged, directly or indirectly, any fees or costs associated with their recruitment (including, for example, fees related to work visas or permits, travel costs and document processing costs) 
  • Workers shall not be required to repay debt through work or make payments which have the effect or intention of creating slavery in the workplace.
  • Workers must have the terms of their employment or engagement set out in a written document which is to be provided to them before they start working. This must be easy for them to understand and set out their rights and obligations. This information provided must include clear information with on working hours, rest breaks and holiday pay, overtime pay and payment periods. The written terms must be honoured by the employer and must meet industry standards and the minimum requirements of applicable laws and any collective agreements where the work is carried out.
  • There shall be no use of child workers. Nobody may be employed under the minimum age in the relevant jurisdiction. If workers are above the minimum age but under the age of 18, particular care must be taken to ensure that the duties they carry out and the working conditions are appropriate to their age, to safeguard against physical, mental or other harm.
  • Workers must be free to move without unreasonable restrictions and shall not be physically confined to the place of work or other employer- controlled premises (for example housing) nor shall they be confined by more indirect methods. There must be no requirement placed on workers that they take accommodation in employer provided housing except where this is necessary due to the location or nature of their work.
  • Workers, their families and associates shall not be subject to physical punishment, physical, psychological or sexual violence or coercion, verbal abuse, harassment or intimidation or any other harsh or inhumane treatment.
    Migrant workers, their families and associates should not be subject to discrimination due to their race, nationality or religion.
  • Workers must be free to make grievances to their employers about the employer's treatment of them and shall not suffer detriment, victimisation or retaliation as a result of raising a grievance.
  • Workers must have the right to end their employment freely, following a reasonable period of notice in accordance with any collective agreements and relevant laws and without any undue improper penalties.
  • The Fruity Kitchen would endeavor to resolve any identified issues with the supplier but ultimately if not resolved then the contact could be terminated.


  1. Whistleblowing

Any person concerned about any breach either of this Code or our Modern Slavery Policy should report their concerns to a director of our company, the Police or the Modern Slavery Hotline 08000 121 700 or use the ‘Unseen’ APP.  Individuals with concerns are encouraged to provide their name and contact details so that the issues that they raise can be properly investigated. However, we recognise that in some circumstances an individual will only be prepared to raise their concerns on an anonymous basis and where concerns are reported to us on that basis we commit to investigate anonymous allegations as thoroughly as possible and to take any necessary remedial action wherever we can.


We have implemented the following measures to ensure there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in our business or supply chain


  • Made reference to the Modern Slavery Act 2015 on all our trading terms and conditions
  • Included reference to the Modern Slavery Act 2015 in our supplier audits
  • A system in place to protect whistle blowers





Jon Briscoe- Director



J G Briscoe


